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Thursday, November 5, 2009

6 Easy Fitness and Nutrition Tips for Teens

During your teenage years your body changes a lot, and it is important to make sure you involve fitness and nutrition in your daily regimen at this point in your life. Fitness and nutrition does not have to be complicated, and this article will provide you with 6 easy fitness and nutrition tips for teens.

1. Drink water instead of soda. Water is one of the main components of the human body, and it is important to start drinking water as a teen if you are interested in your nutrition. 64 ounces of water is the recommended amount of water you need a day, so next time you are about to grab a soda reach for water instead.

2. Stay active when you are a teen to increase your level of fitness. Join a sports team or go hiking with your friends for fun. Walk to town instead of asking your mom for a ride. Staying active is an important part of fitness for teens, and it is a great way to have fun while being healthy.

3. An easy nutrition tip for teens is to eat fruits and vegetables. I know you have heard this for years, but it is true. You need to have fruits and vegetables to get the nutrition your body needs as a teen. Make sure your meals consist of one third fruit or vegetables. All your plates should be colorful.

4. A great way for teens to focus on nutrition is by being aware of the snacks they consume. Bring an apple or some baby carrots with them for when they desire a snack is a great way to replace chips or candy. Nutrition starts with the food choices your teens make, and fruits and vegetables are a better choice than sugar.

5. A fun and simple fitness tip for teens is go outdoors. There are many hobbies that require you to go outdoors, and fitness can be achieved by being active, and being outdoors will also have a positive affect on your teen's wellbeing.

6. Another tip for teen fitness is to join a martial arts program. These programs are a fun way to practice fitness for teens, and it is a great way for teens to be healthy and learn discipline and respect.
It is important for teens to pay attention to their nutrition and fitness because this will be the beginning of the lifestyle they choose as adults. The teen's body is changing, and it needs proper fitness and nutrition at this point in time to grow in a healthy way.


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